HTTPS Edge Routes#

Do not construct this object directly, instead access the edges_https_routes property of an ngrok.Client object.

create(edge_id, match_type, match, description='', metadata='', backend=None, ip_restriction=None, circuit_breaker=None, compression=None, request_headers=None, response_headers=None, webhook_verification=None, oauth=None, saml=None, oidc=None, websocket_tcp_converter=None, user_agent_filter=None, traffic_policy=None)[source]#

Create an HTTPS Edge Route

  • edge_id (str) – unique identifier of this edge

  • match_type (str) – Type of match to use for this route. Valid values are “exact_path” and “path_prefix”.

  • match (str) – Route selector: “/blog” or “” or “”

  • description (str) – human-readable description of what this edge will be used for; optional, max 255 bytes.

  • metadata (str) – arbitrary user-defined machine-readable data of this edge. Optional, max 4096 bytes.

  • backend (EndpointBackendMutate) – backend module configuration or null

  • ip_restriction (EndpointIPPolicyMutate) – ip restriction module configuration or null

  • circuit_breaker (EndpointCircuitBreaker) – circuit breaker module configuration or null

  • compression (EndpointCompression) – compression module configuration or null

  • request_headers (EndpointRequestHeaders) – request headers module configuration or null

  • response_headers (EndpointResponseHeaders) – response headers module configuration or null

  • webhook_verification (EndpointWebhookValidation) – webhook verification module configuration or null

  • oauth (EndpointOAuth) – oauth module configuration or null

  • saml (EndpointSAMLMutate) – saml module configuration or null

  • oidc (EndpointOIDC) – oidc module configuration or null

  • websocket_tcp_converter (EndpointWebsocketTCPConverter) – websocket to tcp adapter configuration or null

  • user_agent_filter (EndpointUserAgentFilter) –

  • traffic_policy (EndpointTrafficPolicy) – the traffic policy associated with this edge or null

Return type:


delete(edge_id, id)[source]#

Delete an HTTPS Edge Route by ID

  • edge_id (str) – unique identifier of this edge

  • id (str) – unique identifier of this edge route

get(edge_id, id)[source]#

Get an HTTPS Edge Route by ID

  • edge_id (str) – unique identifier of this edge

  • id (str) – unique identifier of this edge route

Return type:


update(edge_id, id, match_type='', match='', description='', metadata='', backend=None, ip_restriction=None, circuit_breaker=None, compression=None, request_headers=None, response_headers=None, webhook_verification=None, oauth=None, saml=None, oidc=None, websocket_tcp_converter=None, user_agent_filter=None, traffic_policy=None)[source]#

Updates an HTTPS Edge Route by ID. If a module is not specified in the update, it will not be modified. However, each module configuration that is specified will completely replace the existing value. There is no way to delete an existing module via this API, instead use the delete module API.

  • edge_id (str) – unique identifier of this edge

  • id (str) – unique identifier of this edge route

  • match_type (str) – Type of match to use for this route. Valid values are “exact_path” and “path_prefix”.

  • match (str) – Route selector: “/blog” or “” or “”

  • description (str) – human-readable description of what this edge will be used for; optional, max 255 bytes.

  • metadata (str) – arbitrary user-defined machine-readable data of this edge. Optional, max 4096 bytes.

  • backend (EndpointBackendMutate) – backend module configuration or null

  • ip_restriction (EndpointIPPolicyMutate) – ip restriction module configuration or null

  • circuit_breaker (EndpointCircuitBreaker) – circuit breaker module configuration or null

  • compression (EndpointCompression) – compression module configuration or null

  • request_headers (EndpointRequestHeaders) – request headers module configuration or null

  • response_headers (EndpointResponseHeaders) – response headers module configuration or null

  • webhook_verification (EndpointWebhookValidation) – webhook verification module configuration or null

  • oauth (EndpointOAuth) – oauth module configuration or null

  • saml (EndpointSAMLMutate) – saml module configuration or null

  • oidc (EndpointOIDC) – oidc module configuration or null

  • websocket_tcp_converter (EndpointWebsocketTCPConverter) – websocket to tcp adapter configuration or null

  • user_agent_filter (EndpointUserAgentFilter) –

  • traffic_policy (EndpointTrafficPolicy) – the traffic policy associated with this edge or null

Return type:
